
Since kidney stones cause immense pain in the abdomen, it is important to rule out the cause of abdominal pain due to any other condition. Therefore, urologists often recommend several diagnostic tests and self-examination to confirm the presence of kidney stones and decide the best kidney stone removal treatment. The doctor will analyze the symptoms and the intensity of pain. Since heredity is a risk factor for kidney stones, the urologist also examines your medical history report to check for any signs of recurrence. However, accurate diagnosis can only be done after undergoing several tests such as –  

  • Imaging tests – Imaging tests such as abdominal ultrasound, X-rays, or MRI are done to obtain 3D images of the stones in the abdomen. This helps in locating the area where the stones may be present.  
  • Blood tests – Blood tests help examine the contents in your blood that may result in kidney stones. It is important to determine the presence of calcium, phosphorus, uric acid, and electrolytes that may result in the progression of kidney stones. 
  • Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine test – This test helps identify any abnormal functioning in kidneys by determining the amount of nitrogen in the blood that comes from the waste product, urea. 
  • Urinalysis – This test is done to assess the contents of urine to identify any crystals, bacteria, or any other agents that can cause kidney stones or urinary tract infections.